Peter Stastny

Frontend developer & designer

Hi! I am Peter Stastny, a multimedia designer focusing on frontend development and UI/UX design based in Lille, France.

I am passionate about designing and building websites that are user-friendly, accessible and stand-out with their attention to detail.

Some of my skills include working in graphic and wireframing applications, HTML + CSS + JavaScript, video, photography and more.

I have a driven mindset and am eager to be a part of a motivating company, where I could contribute with my experience and build upon my skills. Feel free to contact me with any questions or take a look at some of my past projects.

Highlight projects


The configurator essentially lets you customize and build your own beer bottle and select a type of beer. You can customize colors of various parts of the bottle, select your favorite crest and cap. This project was done as a part of my multimedia design education in collaboration with 2 other students.

Rock, paper, scissors

Fancy playing a rock, paper, scissors game but haven't got anyone to play with? Or would you just like to try your luck against a computer? Visit the website and try to beat a computer opponent!

Byú Studio

Exam project of the 2nd semester of the multimedia design education was to create a website and an online presence manual for an emerging startup focusing on do-it-yourself jewelry, Byú Studio. Part of the project was to create a website that showcases the playful and friendly identity of the client. The entire project was done in a group with 4 other students.

Silfen Studio

Goal of this group project was to improve an outdated website of Silfen Studio, company selling sustainable bags. The new website aims to improve navigation and add a fresh touch while adhering to the requests of the client.

Cheese Rush

Cheese Rush is a lighthearted game where you have to collect enough cheese before the time runs out. Watch out for the angry cat as well as mousetraps. The game was a final project in the last theme of the 1st semester of the multimedia design education.

Feel free to reach out for any questions about me or my work on any of my social media or write me an email at